There are two parts to the reading - Paul's instructions to Timothy as a pastor and instructions on proper worship. My interest tonight is on the instructions on worship.
I love how the Expositor's Commentary addresses the section on worship. Regarding the words "I urge" and "first of all", the commentary says "the most essential part of public worship is prayer. (p.356)" Wow! It says nothing about music styles or worship order or anything else that we consider so important. Instead, the most essential part is prayer. When I read this two thoughts go through my mind. A) has anyone told this to those who disdain the power of prayer in the Christian walk and life? and B) has anyone told this to those who engage in the 'worship wars' ~ that they have the wrong focus altogether if they think worship is primarily about music and not prayer?
It breaks my heart to see people disdain prayer as a "lazy's persons way out" when in reality authentic prayer brings us closer in an intimate walk with God. As we share with God and let him know that we are willing to listen to him, he'll share what's on his heart with us. Later on when life gets rough, that intimacy with God will carry us through the tough times.
Refering to the second point, the times of the most awesome times of public worship has occured when the services were bathed in prayer first. Without prayer before hand, the services were dry and I couldn't wait to leave [and often would leave early because I couldn't take the dryness]. Those that were bathed in prayer left me wanting to bask in God's presence and being very upset that the service had ended.
The attitude of prayer is important as well. Lifting up holy hands without anger or argument. While we need to pray honest prayers (My soul is full of trouble) which can include telling our anger to God, what we should be careful about it not praying in such a way that our anger/bitterness becomes so entrenched in our souls that we close our minds, hearts and souls to God's cleansing, healing and convicting Spirit. While one can have legitimate reasons for anger and bitterness, when one holds on to these wounds, it makes it hard for the Holy Spirit to help us, plus our prayers dry up. But when one prays, hands held up in a receiving manner towards God, giving God one's pain, anger and bitterness healing flows down from God and over and through us.
Today, I ask God to give you a heart of prayer and a holy attitude while praying. And while praying, ask God to help you be open and receptive to his healing, cleansing and comforting presense.
Works cited:
Carson, D.A. The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Ed. Frank Gaebelein. Vol. 8. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984.
The last paragraph is supposed to have said "Ask God to give you a heart of prayer and a holy attitude while praying."